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"together we are strong" // week one

On Saturday, January 21st, I was a part of the Copenhagen Women's March, in which over 5,000 proud, polite, enthusiastic, passionate individuals showed their support for the recent catastrophe, that is America. I have never felt more included and inspired than during our trek from the US Embassy to Christiansborg. So thank you, to those who organized the event, to those that spoke so eloquently and with such energy, and to those who decided to spend their entire day fighting for equality. Thank you, Copenhagen, and may this unity overpower those who have tried to suppress us.

my favorite pin

"we don't want your tiny hands anywhere near our underpants"

"You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise."

women, stronger; women, together

(the aesthetic, though)

the most inspiring woman I have ever met

the kids are what really made this event so uplifting

"kindness is everything"

my body, my rights

"we are no longer allies, but accomplices"

"pro-black isn't anti-white"

"women's rights are human rights"

"the solution for exclusion is for everyone to get involved"

today, we can say we were part of history

until next time,


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